KCMHCA supported a briefing of BMH UK on the impact the 2006 Mental Health Bill will have on African Caribbean communities who are currently subject to excessive use of the current Mental Health Act. Read more on above link. The meeting was hosted and chaired by Sarah Tether MP for Brent East. Matilda MacAttram, director of the human rights campaigns group Black Mental Health UK in association with the 1990 Trust and the African Caribbean Evangelical Alliance informed MP's on what changes need to made to the Bill in order to address the widespread discimination within mental health services which health campaigners say has destroyed a generation of Black Britons. The expert panel of speakers included:- Sarah Teather - MP, Pedro Okorro-chair of African Caribbean Evangelical Alliance and solicitor, Chinyere Inyama-Mental Health Review Tribunal president and mental health lawyer, Prof. Suman Fernando-consultant psychiatrist and lecturer, member of the National BME Mental Health Alliance, Pastor Ade Omooba-founder of Coherent and Cohesive, Andy Bell - chair of the Mental Health Alliance, Matilada MacAttram, director of Black Mental Health UK, Monique Klang-Voves, Chair of KCMHCA (Kensington & Chelsea Mental Health Carers Association.
Sarah Tether MP has issued an EDM (Early Day Motion). Please lobby your MP to sign. Click on the headline (link) above and circulate as widely as possible.
The 2006 Mental Health Bill will be debated by MP's in the House of Commons on the 18th and 19th June 2007. If this Bill is not stopped it will not only worsen the racism within mental health services but will also infringe on our civil liberties and human rights. This Bill will also pose a significant threat to Christian freedom as the Government has removed exclusions within this law to stop anyone being detained and treated against their will on the grounds of religious, political or cultural beliefs.
More Info: www.blackmentalhealth.org.uk